Windrush Bay

We are a Condo Association conveniently located in Tarpon Springs, FL

The above flood maps are to show you the Flood Zones in our area. These two maps were provided by FEMA. Click the links to view the maps.

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Trash Pick-Up Schedule

May - October: Monday, Friday

November - April: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Large items (such as old furniture and cardboard boxes) should be broken down before you put them in the dumpster to minimize the space taken up in the dumpster.

Friendly Reminder to Recycle

For environmental reasons as well as cost-saving reasons, WBCA encourages residents to recycle whenever possible.

Newspapers, cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, and cardboard boxes can be brought to the recycling bins for various materials located near the fire station on Gulf Road.

Used items in good condition can be donated to nearby thift stores such as the Shepherd Center (727-939-1400) and Hospice Resale store (Near Publix).

Dog waste should be picked up immediately, bagged, and placed inside of a dumpster.


Board of Directors

This section contains a list of current board members, their phone numbers, and their emails to be contacted.



This section contains all association documents, such as declarations, articles of incoroporation, bylaws, etc.



This section has applications and forms, such as leasing and residency applications, architectural requests, etc.



This section contains all committee reports as well as every windstorm mitigation report.


Meeting Minutes

Find all future, current, and previous agendas, meeting minutes, and the documents that summarize them.



Send us a message and we will respond to you shortly after we have received your message.



The property management company is Ameri-Tech, they provide 24-hour property management service.


Estoppel Request

This link will take you to a different website, the form is on the Ameri-Tech property management site.


Emergency Management

Learn more on the Ameri-Tech site
